Swine flu (SIV)
Swine flu (SIV)
Swine flu (siv) overview
Swine flu (masty swyn state-run Influenza Virus comes, sivs), commonly referred to as Influenza A (H1N1), is A kind of caused by type A Influenza viruses of Swine respiratory disease, the Virus can infect many kinds of animals, including birds and mammals. The swine flu virus belong to the is sticky virus family, including A, B, C three genera, including influenza A virus can infect many kinds of animals, type B and type C virus mainly infect humans, and type A influenza virus is A major pathogen of swine flu. The swine flu virus is highly infectious and variability, and can cause in the herd of swine flu outbreak, high incidence, but the mortality rate is relatively low.
Pathogenic characteristics
The swine flu virus as the single strand RNA virus negative chain, genome is composed of eight independent fragments, virus particles spherical, diameter of about 80-120 nm. Virus surface has a variety of protein, such as haemagglutinin HA, neuraminidase NA and M2 protein, etc., they play an important role in virus infection and. The virus is sensitive to ethyl ether, chloroform, acetone and other organic solvents, high temperature (56 ° C), such as ultraviolet ray can effectively eliminate the virus.
Swine flu are distributed worldwide, but mainly concentrated in the endemic. Historically, the swine flu outbreak in multiple countries and regions, such as the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic is associated with the swine flu. In 2009, the H1N1 influenza virus caused a worldwide pandemic, resulting in a large number of casualties. Since then, the virus become a part of the seasonal flu.
Route of transmission
Swine flu is mainly through the spread of swine respiratory secretions, cough or sneeze droplets containing virus, when others inhale these droplets containing the virus, may cause infection. In addition, the contact surfaces contaminated by the virus, such as door handles, tableware, etc., and then touch your face, the mouth, nose or eyes, in particular, is one of the route of transmission.
clinical signs and symptoms
Swine flu after clinical symptoms are similar to regular flu, may include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Children and people with poor immune function can show more obvious symptoms, such as diarrhea, etc.
Pathological changes
After the swine flu virus infection, can cause the upper respiratory tract inflammation of pig, and could lead to secondary bacterial infection. In severe cases, may develop pneumonia and respiratory failure, and even death.
Diagnostic methods
To diagnose swine flu mainly relies on the laboratory tests, such as rt-pcr technique, cultivation and serological detection of virus isolation. Rt-pcr technology has the characteristics of rapid, sensitive, and has been widely applied to the swine flu virus detection and molecular epidemiological investigation.
Prevention and control measures
The key measure to prevent swine flu is to get the flu vaccine, especially during the flu season. In addition to vaccination, maintain good personal hygiene habits, such as frequent hand washing, cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, etc., can effectively reduce the risk of infection. During outbreaks, reduce or eliminate public gatherings are necessary control measures.
To sum up, the swine flu is A caused by type A influenza viruses of swine respiratory system disease, is highly infectious and variability. History has repeatedly outbreak, in 2009 led to a global pandemic. Virus is spread through droplet and contact, clinical symptoms are similar to regular flu, but also may cause serious complications. Prevention, diagnosis depend on the laboratory tests, is the flu vaccine and to maintain good health habits. The outbreak occurs, still need to take the appropriate public health measures to control the spread of the virus.