Hendra virus

Summary of hendra virus

Hendra virus (HeV), is a new kind of zoonosis toxic disease virus, in 1994, in the suburbs of Brisbane, Queensland Australia Hendra was first discovered, can cause severe respiratory disease. The virus belong to the paramyxovirus family, is a kind of single strand RNA virus negative chain, its genome length of 18234 bp, and contains six structural protein for six genes.

Hendra virus transmission

Hendra virus spread mainly related to the flying fox, especially black head flying fox flying fox and ash and so on four kind of flying fox has against hendra virus antibody in the body. The most likely route of transmission is the horse to gather the food the virus flying fox fetal tissue or tire caused by water pollution of forage grass. In addition, the horse feed because flying fox leftover fruit and is also one of the reasons for the onset of infection, the virus is spread through infected in the herd or nasal secretions, urine infection due to contact with the ill.

Hendra virus infection

Following Hendra virus infection, humans and horses have similar clinical manifestations, including flu-like symptoms, severe dyspnea, and pulmonary edema. In humans, neurological symptoms such as fever, cough, dyspnea, pulmonary edema, headache, lethargy, and unsteady gait may occur following infection, closely resembling encephalitis or meningitis.

The latest research dynamic

The latest research shows that the climate and land use change or promote the hendra virus from bats overflow to the other animals. Food shortages and natural habitat loss makes bats persist in human living areas, caused hendra virus overflow to the intermediate host -- a horse.

The prevention and control measures

There is no specific vaccine or treatment for Hendra virus, and prevention measures mainly include avoiding contact with livestock infected with Hendra virus, especially by taking appropriate personal protective measures when handling sick horses. In addition, maintain good personal hygiene, such as frequent hand washing, keeping a balanced diet and adequate sleep, is also very important means of prevention.


To sum up, hendra virus is a kind of important zoonotic viruses, its propagation is closely related to the flying fox, and may be indirect effects of climate change and land use change. After infection symptoms include flu-like symptoms and severe respiratory disease, there is no specific treatment, mainly symptomatic treatment and prevention. As for the further research of the transmission mechanism, the future may have more strategies for prevention and control of these viral diseases.