观点讨论 | 现代战争伤员死亡分析
Cellgene™ Care 动脉止血贴是一种新型高分子动脉止血材料,采用国际首创冻干交联技术制备而成。适用于体外动脉出血性创口、介入刺入部位及导管创口止血。
观点讨论 | 现代战伤快速止血敷料的发展回顾及展望
观点讨论 | 壳聚糖-科技的进步与时代的选择
Quick To Know | Diabetic Foot: Pathogenesis and Treatment Plan
Diabetic foot is a severe complication in diabetic patients caused by long-term hyperglycemia leading to neurological and vascular disorders of the lower limbs. It manifests as foot ulcers, infections, and deep tissue destruction, with severe cases even necessitating amputation.
Quick To Know | Pressure Ulcers: The Invisible Enemy for Hospitalized Bedridden Patients
Patients who are bedridden for extended periods, especially during hospital treatment, face a common issue—pressure ulcers, also known as pressure sores. Pressure ulcers occur due to sustained pressure on certain body parts, resulting in circulatory obstruction and leading to the necrosis of skin and subcutaneous tissues. They not only cause significant pain to patients but can also lead to severe infections, and are potentially life-threatening.
Quick To Know | The Science of Healing: Understanding and Treating Chronic Wounds
Chronic wounds, also known as non-healing wounds, are injuries that fail to proceed through an orderly and timely repair process, typically not showing signs of improvement after three weeks. These wounds are prevalent among diabetic patients, the elderly, and individuals with circulatory disorders.